Tania Daniels

Orbs and divisions
Part 1: Lilly’s 5° orb: Primary or secondary motion? A planet’s strength is based on several factors that take into consideration dignities and house positions. The strongest places are the[...]
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Symbolism of the celestial rooster
Nowadays, when somebody sees a rooster, s/he is probably reminded of grilled chicken and eggs, or, if a vegetarian, of chicken batteries and the film Chicken Run.Back in the day,[...]
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Mother’s crimes, daughter’s murder
Gypsy Rose Blanchard had her boyfried murder her mother after many years of horrific abuse. Dee Dee Blanchard had pretended that her daughter suffered from various severe diseases, such as[...]
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Broken finger horary
When I am invited to a conference as a speaker, I usually try to attend all of the talks. So I was all set to do so yesterday morning, too.[...]
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Waxing and waning Venus
We all know about the lunar phases, the waxing and waning crescent and the first and third quarter Moon. We can see them daily in the sky. Since Venus is[...]
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Bienvenidos al 5° Congreso de astrologia!
En este congreso de astrologia en lengua española les voy a hablar de la importancia de las declinaciones y en particular de los lunisticios. Vamos a ver el papel de[...]
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On minor planetary years and degree-families
In traditional textbooks, we often find a list of minor planetary years.They indicate when planets get activated in a chart and are particularly important in zodiacal releasing. But what exactly[...]
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Antigonos of Nicaia on Dorphory
My friend and collegue Ashwin Subramanyan has recently published a short article on dorphory, also referred to as spear-bearing. Bells rang as I remembered Stephan Heilen’s translation and Antigonos of[...]
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Spinning top or tumbler? The quest of the precession of the equinoxes.
Most of us are aware of the western concept of the precession of the equinoxes. At the same time, I do believe that the majority is unaware of the fact[...]
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What’s your career? Ptolemy’s use of the helical rising planet
Ptolemy gives clear instructions about how to determine a client's career. In his technique, the heliacal rising plays a fundamental role.
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