Herunder en illustration, der hjælper til forståelse af det astronomiske begreb "deklination".
Et himmellegenes deklination er dets vinkelafstand fra den himmelske ækvator. (den røde lodrette pil). Deklination måles i grader og minutter.
OOB (Out of Bounds) betyder, at en planet har en deklination, der ligger ud over Solens mulige deklination på 23 grader og 27 minutter.
Se også artiklen OOB - Out of Bounds
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In astrology, the concept of "out of bounds" refers to planets that move beyond the usual limits of the Sun's apparent path in the sky. The Sun’s apparent path is known as the ecliptic, and the planets typically stay within a range of 23.5 degrees north or south of the ecliptic (the declination). When a planet moves beyond this 23.5-degree limit, it is considered out of bounds. This can happen for any of the planets, and the effect is thought to be significant in terms of the planet's energy and influence in a natal chart.
Here’s a breakdown of which planets can go out of bounds:
- Personal Planets:
- Mercury
- Venus
- Mars
- Social Planets:
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Outer Planets:
- Uranus
- Neptune
- Pluto
Key Notes about Out of Bounds Planets:
- Increased Uniqueness or Individuality: A planet out of bounds is said to express itself in an exaggerated or unconventional way, often outside societal norms or expectations.
- Energetic Independence: The planet may have a strong desire to break free from restrictions or limitations and can act in a more independent, rebellious, or unpredictable manner.
- Increased Focus or Power: When a planet is out of bounds in an individual's natal chart, it can bring an intense or extraordinary focus in that area of life.
So, all planets—whether personal, social, or outer—are capable of going out of bounds in astrology, and when they do, they can bring unique energy to a person's chart.
Svaret er altså, at det kan alle planeterne, og herudover kan også Månen gå OOB. Ikke Solen, da den ikke går udenfor sin egen bane.